Wednesday, December 15, 2010

伤害 / hurt


a person will never escape hurting ppl or being hurt . many ppl things tat those who hurt others will forever feel gud, but, in reality, some live in regrets.. because, they will never be able to be at the happy moment they had again.. maybe, they had even wished the mistakes were not done.. but, its all only 'maybe'.. because, the person been hurt, was hurt deeply.. tat scar will never recovers..

人往往都逃不过伤害或被伤到。 很多人都认为伤害别人的人都会比较好过,但是, 其实,有些也继续过着遗憾或后悔的日子。 因为他们再也不能站在原本的幸福和快乐的时光了。。。也许,他们都希望过去的错误都没发生过。。 但,那些也只是也许了。。。因为,被伤害的,已深深地被伤害了。。。那个伤,也不会恢复了。。。

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